i might need to get a wii....
….since ze frank found out about some really cool games. you have to watch the full video, the funniest part is at the end… yeah, i know, i’m way behind his output (but i peeked, so i know he’s stopping)… Technorati Tags: wii, zefrank
zwätschgechopf! [video]
[via 20min.ch]
picture of the week 10
quite some time ago (for my birthday actually) i got a voucher for a weekend in the snow with a big surprise from my love. this weekend we finally managed to find a weekend with snow and free time. in the end it turned out that she planned a weekend on the bettmeralp for skiing and some wellness in the hotel bettmerhof. the weather was absolutely gorgeous and also the slopes were really good. the whole weekend was already a surprise for me, so i was not expecting something special when we went for a drink after hitting the slopes. only after the prinoth everest power [1] parked for quite a long time besides us i got a bit suspicious on what nina planned for the big surprise. you might not know that i’ve always said that it’s a little dream of me to ride with one of those machines - throttle fully open - on a skiing slope…
things that make you go hmmmm....
fragen, die sich einem momentan-pendler so stellen: gilt das horoskop im heute für heute oder für morgen? Technorati Tags: heute, lang:de
wie jeden ersten montag im monat fand auch heute der blgmndybrn im domino statt. dabei waren diesmal christian kus (übrigens mit eigenem wikipedia-eintrag…) herr löi olivier reto gesprochen haben wir über einiges; vieles eher insidermässig, aber immer mal wieder kreisen die themen um spam, phpBB, selbstprogrammierte fotoalben [2], die wikipedia als zitierbares medium, herr löis projekt, sellout im zusammenhang mit blogs/bloggers an der hand nehmen, bezahlten content sowie digg-votes, 42, 43folders, stickkit und einiges mehr… diesmal war der gadgetfaktor für einen blgmndybrn erstaunlich niedrig, olivier hat mit seinem leistungsfähigen [1] handy notizen gemacht, ansonsten wars eher weniger gadgety..
Oh no!
Oh no! I’ve got the number of the beast at the postoffice. Let’s hope this means nothing bad…
update your wordpresses!
there has been a whoopsie with some of their download-servers, so you might want to make shure, you’re upgrading to the newest version (2.1.2, as we speak). as always, it’s trouble-free. just upload everything to your server and visit yourserver/wp-admin/upgrade.php and you’re set. Technorati Tags: upgrade, wordpress
mixed-tape 16 is online
the new mercedes mixed tape is now online. go and get it, this time it includes a jazzy song from 4hero, some rather old blokes who became famous with creative drum and bass i’ve listened to for hours… nice to meet them again here! Technorati Tags: merceded, mixed-tape, music
joost anyone?
is any of my readers interested to try out joost? it’s the thing that was formerly called the venice project and is a bit the same as zattoo, but not enterly [1]. read more about joost in the last wired here. since i’ve signed up for betatesting joost quite a while ago, i’ve got 2 1 2 invitations no more invitations to spare. leave a comment below (with your email, i need it to send you the invitation, but i won’t spam you…). first come, first serve!
foto-automat-error im migros
foto-automat-error im migros mit komischer monitor-einstellung….