it's so hot in here!
yesterday it was so hot here in switzerland, that the swiss railways had to close some tracks because the tracks were bent through the heat! (here’s the link to the follow-up article)
stuff and fun link
silvaplana was so great that bruni bought a kite and a board from a guy that was up there. todays fun link is sponsored by the friends of folk music. (i saw a sticker with that link on the back of some guys motorcycle today…) azure works only a little bit. i managed to post while on the train, but not while on the camping in silvaplana and on the beach at the lake. so still some work to do to get a 1.0 version…
This is the test. I’m in the train to the mountains and blogging away on my mobile. So azure seems to work :-)
my weekend
i’m gonna be in silvaplana at the lake this weekend. Bruno ([![]( 2-tm.jpg)]( 2.jpg)) is there on the camping since monday and i’m going there later this afternoon. We’re gonna try out that fancy thing called kite surfing (or kite sailing). ETA back in Bern is on Monday so expect no news until then (unless i manage to get Azure working on my mobile…)
this is one cool gizmo!
i want this!
plans for tonight
I’m gonna go and see Akua from “Karls Kuhne Gassenschau” with Nina. PS: hopefully she will not read my blog until we meet (in 40 minutes or so), because it’s a surprise for her (for our third anniversary - which was some days ago, but couldn’t be celebrated properly, ‘cause she had a lot of exams) Update: The show was really cool! The Stunts the Girls and Guys of Karls Kuhne Gassenschau pull off are amazing. If you’ve got the chance to go and see them, do it! They just prolonged until the end of september and there are still some tickets available on their website.
perhaps not so superstar :-)
i think most of these () hits are from myself…. on telly
I’m becoming a superstar more and more :-) today Schweiz Aktuell aired the little clip they made last thursday. Guess what? The little interview they made was on it. So i was on telly tonight… I’m here at work where no realplayer is installed, so i cannot watch it, but i watched it on telly before. I appear sometimes through the clip and have a little speech :-) (all in swiss-german, a truly funny language…)
Energy4u - todays fun link
while i had a break today at work (it’s summer holidays here, so a lot of our clients do not work thus we sometimes get a break…) a guy came chatting me up. this bloke started to talk about crop-cirlces and pyramid-energy (where razorblades get sharp again when put under a small pyramid) and stuff like that. then he gave me this piece of paper with lots of links on it. one of these links was energy4u (sorry, only in german).
this is just too cool!
When i get an SMS on my mobile phone while it’s paired over bluetooth to my trusty little ibook i get a window like this: [![]( 1-tm.jpg)]( 1.jpg) this is just too frigging nifty! (for those without german….. BOAH: this is even cooler! while i was typing this entry, Gabu Palacios (on the left, getting the score while I play Gabu-Pong) called me, and voila I get this window! Does any PC offer the same functionality (Call me a proselyted Switcher)