taking a look at the referers to i found that when you search for habi on google, then you get quite relevant hits: ps: and if you take a close look on the referers, then you see some interesting keywords that list my page really high: “fleisch werbekampagne”, “streetparade 03”, “Grosstierklinik+Bern+Tierspital” ps: and searching for siegfried and roy on ranks me quite high. b. (CTO @, i think you have to tweak your algorithm a bit :-)
well, i just can’t help posting some more: the back seat driver made some pictures and even some movies. i’ll try to reencode them into a more web-friendly format (the longest one is about 60mb, exactly 3 minutes, which is just too big) using imovie and then post them here. they’re all quite funky to watch, because you feel like being on the bike actually.
today was fun.
renzo and me drove a shift with his tandem. it was fun. that’s about it. have a nice weekend, i’ll be in zurich. [![]( - 2187-tm.jpg)]( - 2187.jpg)[![]( - 2189-tm.jpg)]( - 2189.jpg)
todays fun link
well, if you google this, then you get this :-) i guess, expansys should have a better quality-control… and yes, i’m an avid fan of i guess i bought about half of my digital equipment there. including my ibook, my ipod, my palm (old, but works like a charm), my web-cam (which arrived today, but i wasn’t home, so i can go and pick it up tomorrow), my telly, my telephone(s) and numerous other stuff…
boah!. good night. ps: i love the one with the guy on the “bike”. wonderful.
improving safari
ever wanted to surf full-screen with all the screen-estate you can afford using safari (like opera can do)? tired of all these ads that show up on (or any other site with lots of ads)? well, then welcome saft and pithhelmet on your system :-) without pithhelmet: with pithhelmet active:
if you wanna see what exam i prepared for the class today, then click on the image below, and you can download a 132kb-pdf. the first image is the result of this, but had to bee redrawn multiple times, because it was just too difficult the way i wanted it first…
minimal porn
check out this page if you want to see some awesome (and only + 18 :-) minimal flash art! [via and] and yes, i know porn is a no-go, but nonetheless i thought’s it’s funny!
tomorrows plans
tomorrow i give two double lessons: in the first i’ll make an introduction to electrostatics, with use of the van der graaf-generator, it’s one of the “reallyreally-fun-experiments” in physics…. in the second i have an exam with the class (and i’m more nervous than they are, because it’s my first exam as a teacher, i spent 10 hours (no joke) editing it!) i’ll post some more tomorrow (or actually today, because it’s sleepytime already!)
more tattoos and stuff like that
if you’re interested how it feels to get a massive tattoo on the back, then Keith’s Koi-blog is for you to read. Funnily enough i found this on boingboing and some days ago i talked to him on IAM :-) and related to other news, nina is now officially in zurich. we spent a really nice day together, went for a long walk and had one of the feared nemesis-cakes in the restaurant ma marzilibrucke, where she also works. but this perfect day with her does lead to me having a sunday evening blues, which is not too bad, because i still need to finish the lessons i hold tomorrow morning, so this keep my mind off blue thoughts.