want a mini-dv cam? [update]
i cannot remember the last time i used my video-cam, so i’m selling it. if you need one, go and grab it on ricardo.ch (or email me and i’ll delete the auction and sell it to you, bypassing the ricardo.ch-fees. i’ll even throw in all my home-videos for you :-) ) update: it’s sold already!
dubya bush doesn't want you
so, let’s assume you’re part of the internationally interested population and want to read george dubya bushs weblog to see what he (or his blogger) wants to tell you. or do you just want inform yourself about his view on different things that are important to yourself? but since monday morning you cannot access his website (www.georgewbush.com) from europe (or just about any other part of the non-us-world)? since quite a long time the website just times out on you and since monday morning you get one of these funky error messages seen in the image on the left. hm, then you’re left out behind and must stick to kerry’s page :-)
telly tonite [update]
my selfmade pizza is in the oven and will be ready exactly when the live-movie starts (sorry, the link is only available in german). i can hardly remember the last time i spent an evening in front of the telly watching normal television, i’ve been watching a lot of dvds lately, but not a live program, so this is gonna be fun. have a nice evening! read more about the live-movie project on zdf.de
as i mentioned in the post below, i played targot.net yesterday afternoon. targot.net is a project of two guys of the fachhochschule aarau (i forgot the name of one, so both remain nameless…). the game revolves around modules (on the left) which you have to place on the playground. each module consist of three pieces: the fuse, charge and the shell. first all participants make their modules, preferably on self-adhesive paper, so they can be placed on walls and alike. when you place a part of a targot, you send the exact place of that module via sms to the gameserver. (something like “put fuse, 1-943, mattentreppe unten, wand” or “put charge, 1-965, rathausgasse 1”). shortly after sending that message, the gameserver notifies all other players where you have put a fuse, charge or shell. then you have to get to that targot-module as fast as possible and add your module (add 1-943, 1987). if you’re the third person to add the correct module the targot detonates and you get a point. the first to reach three points wins. easy as a cake.
picture of the week 44
the threepieced thing in the picture below might look like something that could be documented by stickernation.net. but it shows the targot1 with which higisuper* won the targot-game we played yesterday afternoon in the old town of bern. 1explanation will follow later. the game was so amazing that it merits an own post. later.
panorama gurnigel
this is a panorama i quickly stitched from 4 images shot in the restaurant on the gurnigel this afternoon
new feature (in test mode)
the image on the left shows the total accesses of habi.gna.ch since the start in july last year (reminds me, i missed the anniversary :-). it impressed me that the total accesses to this little site are around 20000 a day which seems huge. but be reminded that every access to every file counts, so if you watch an index-page on the pics-section this counts as more than20 accesses (9 thumbnails, 2 navigation-buttons and 8 image files for the thumbnail frames plus the html-file itself plus the css-file).
dubyas bulge
this is joi itos view of the debate if or if not dubya bush was wired when he debated with kerry.. (with a really interesting flood of comments concerning creative commons, you must read them!) [via joi.ito]
i really like this picture. it’s absolutely un-edited, but sports a fancy motion blur. well done little cam!
new pictures are online
the christening of anna-lena - ninas godchild - which took place last sunday was the reason i returned a day earlier from the weissfluhjoch. if you want to take a look at the pictures from the nice afternoon a wonderful house with an amazing view you can take a look in the pictures section.