This used to be

flickr is upping the ante - giveaway

today i got an email from the flickr-team: in the aftermath of yahoo buying flickr the guys and gals are able to provide more stuff for all the users: 20 mb upload limit for all free users for all pro users (like me), e.g. those who paid for an extended account: an extension to two years, so i get double the bang for my bucks and 2 invites for a pro account to give away. this leads me to a little contest: i’m donating those two accounts to you, yes you. but because i (occasionally) get more than two readers, you have to fight :-)

k700i panorama

hey, my phone can even take panoramas! (so it’s a bit like a metapanorama, if you check out the page i photographed (

this blog is now gravatar enabled

to make posting comments a little bit more rewarding i implemented gravatars on this blog. two days ago i commented on an entry over at urs’ blog and some fancy image turned up next to my comment. i’ve seen that already turning up on different blogs (e.g. and the code with which i implemented it is shown below for your abuse and modification. <$MTCommentBody$>

the swiss blog awards

jan, nick, matthias and urs propose the idea of a swiss blog award. they started a page to gather comments and ideas on how to go on. post your 0.02$ over at

max goldt

max goldt in the theater. my phone takes crappy pics in low light…

cory doctorows latest short story [2nd update]

cory doctorow (of boingboing-fame) released a short story called i, robot. since i like reading stuff on my clie while on the train or so i made a palm-doc file of the story. if you’d like to read the story on your palm, then you can get it here: cory doctorow - i, robot.pdb (49 kb) for converting the file i used PorDiBle, a nifty palm-doc conversion tool, which is absolutely fabulous to convert any text or rtf-file to a compressed .pdb file. this (and the adobe reader for palm os) helps me to read any file i want on my clie.


Aus akutellem und bernbezogenem anlass in deutsch: nächsten mittwoch abend findet pixmix vol III[1] in der dampfzentrale statt. der urs (bzw. der luchs), gosi und splint machen da eine kleine, sicherlich sehr lustige geschichte, nämlich ein tag im leben eines prototypen des postmodernen proletariats: der fahrrad-eilbote. das heisst, der urs wird eine 7minütige geschichte in 20 bildern erzählen die splint fotografiert hat und auf denen gosi zu sehen ist. so cool wie der flyer rüberkommt, muss das ja gut werden. wenn du links auf das bild klickts, kannst du den flyer in seiner ganzen grösse und herrlichkeit runterladen.

in the grocery store

they used to have real people to hand out the freebies, but now all stores need to economise. this is a test of flickrs-moblog-to-blog-feature.

the cookie monster on diet

the swiss late news aired a newscast that the cookie monsters eating habits are getting a makeover, so he is not allowed to eat more unhealthy cookies. the americans thought it’s bad, when they see a monster on telly which eats cookies (and letters :-) all the time, so they changed his diet to more healthy stuff. this gets scary i think. when will they change other tv-series? how long will it take before dexter is not allowed to work in his lab anymore, because working with big tools and electricity is dangerous for kids. how long will it take before pippi langstrumpf has to stop running around and lifting horses, because that’s dangerous for kids? oh man, this just gets me the creeps. it’s a friggin’ monster, so he can eat what he wants, and doesn’t need to eat healthy!

new paper released :-)

i wonder if the paper i just finished is going to help me with my already long-running quest for finding a job in the field i learned. i guess it needs still some corrections and additions. if you want to read it, then just click on the link below: David Haberthuer - Emulating Smalltalk and Von Neumann Machines Using Semantical (100kb .pdf). you need to scroll down to see the images, i think they turned out quite good.