This used to be

windows powered sewing-machine

i’ve been at the bea and seen that windows powered sewing machine. i wonder if my mother would like to get a bluescreen when she tries to sew something…

this blog needs more crazy stuff!

i just had a drink with sigi, after we’ve been hurting ourselfs in the frisbeetraining. we had a lot of stuff to talk about, which was really good, we haven’t seen each other in ages. among other things we talked about this blog here and then an image i’ve seen in the current ct sprung to my mind. without further ado: here’s the link.

taucher gesucht!

ich wollt eigentlich mit nina über auffahrt nach spanien tauchen gehen. da sie nun uni/diplomarbeitsweise doch nicht mitkommen kann, ist in der gruppe vom dive center köniz noch ein platz frei: hast du lust, über auffahrt, von mittwoch 4. mai 23.30 bis montag 9. mai abends - mit nach spanien zu kommen um zu tauchen? das ganze kostet inkl. reise und unterkunft 350.- (den rest zum normalpreis übernehm ich…), dazu kommen noch die tauchgänge und das essen. du solltest ein bisschen taucherfahrung haben, d.h. nicht ein anfänger sein (ich hab auch nicht mehr als 40 tauchgänge…) und 5 tage mit coolen und angenehem leuten in spanien verbringen wollen. und wenn ich dich ein bisschen kenne, ist es auch noch lustiger. hinterlass einen kommentar oder schick mir ein mail (adresse links oben im sidebar). evtl. bis bald unter wasser!

ignore this entry!

Technorati Profile

the tiger is coming

you might have heard it: apple is releasing tiger, their new flavour of os x. but now mike bombich noted (in this discussion) that the marvellous carbon copy cloner, a tool i use often now and then to back up my data does not work with tiger. the folks over at say it like so: “Consider my pre-Tiger buzz officially killed”. [via] technorati tags: apple, osx, backup, tiger

new pictures are online

for those of you who are interested in how i sometimes spend my saturdays, then you might want to see the bunch of pictures i just posted from the swimming competition in emmen. but keep in mind, they’re not for you, but for the kids that competed, so it’s a bit medaille-heavy. technorati tags: emmen, swimming

test with ecto 2.3

this new version of ecto comes with tags. so this is a test technorati tags: ecto, test

picture of the week 16

this wednesday i went to luzern, to spend a day reading comics and stare onto hundreds of panels from different comic authors. i went to luzern quite early, so i could visit the offices of swissconnect and the velokurier luzern. the picture below shows the bridge going from the trainstation to the offices of sc and vkl. that silly guy just didn’t want to go away. what a pity.

flickr is upping the ante - giveaway

today i got an email from the flickr-team: in the aftermath of yahoo buying flickr the guys and gals are able to provide more stuff for all the users: 20 mb upload limit for all free users for all pro users (like me), e.g. those who paid for an extended account: an extension to two years, so i get double the bang for my bucks and 2 invites for a pro account to give away. this leads me to a little contest: i’m donating those two accounts to you, yes you. but because i (occasionally) get more than two readers, you have to fight :-)

k700i panorama

hey, my phone can even take panoramas! (so it’s a bit like a metapanorama, if you check out the page i photographed (