This used to be


yesterday evening i went to see the luftstation, the newest production from the offoff-team. from a competition in the kulturagenda/bund i won a VIP-package: i was able to mount the luftstation with the artists, which was really a great experience, although it only lasted for two minutes or so. then all the winner had some time to talk with the artists and learn some more on how the amazing steel-sculpture was built. all in all, it was a great evening on the gurten


luftstation go and see it!


Payphone Payphone without a phone on the gurten.

dont't panic!

monday night i went to see the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy (with a towel). i finished the book on the sunday before, so i had all fresh in my mind. i thought i will be disappointed with the movie, ‘cause let’s face it, there’s just not enough time to fit all the gags from the book into one movie (sequel anyone?). nonetheless i enjoyed the movie a great bit (my flatmates rita and dan also did), it’s very fast paced and chockfull of references to the book, but also chockfull of new ideas, some of them really brilliant. if you go and see the movie, wait through the credits, in the end, there’s another entry of the guide for you to see (warning: spoiler behind the link).

my movie collection

since i borrowed star wars VI to VI and the godfather I to III from andi and karin they asked me what movies they can borrow from me. because my dvd-collection is rather big [1] it was easier for me to just upload an export from my library in dvdpedia [2] to the web. if you want to see what movies i got, then you can step over to /movies.

picture of the week 23 (or so)

this week i got a letter with the picture below in it. some photographer took pictures of the people running at the gp. included was a payment order for 12.80 chf. i don’t think i’m gonna pay 13 bucks for a picture of me pulling up my pants, i’m gonna spend the same amount of bucks to a ticket to the movies tonight and a new towel :-)

ropetech pictures

yesterday i spent a morning with simonas pupils in the ropetech-park. if you’d like to see the images of people/pupils hanging in the woods, then you can go and see them here.


i finally decided that it’s worth upgrading NetnewsWire to the full version, mostly because of the searching feature and the bloglines synching. i just downloaded the demo now, which will work for 30 days from now on. anoyne else want to pay for that nice piece of software? because when we pay more than one license, then each one pays 5$ less, which makes it worth that post. leave a comment or send me an email so we can license-pool…

last try :-)

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i'm off to go and buy an ipod [2nd update]

‘cause they now come with tetris. i’m now really gonna buy a new one. or shall i wait ’till after wwdc next monday? [via engadget] **update: **hm, raph just told me that ipodlinux now comes with tetris (it didn’t in january…), so i might just wait a litlle bit more…. **2nd update: **wow! pt just managed to view videos on an ipod. this leaves for some speculation. see here for more info on this.