picture of the week 35
this saturday i once again went to the ropetech-seilpark here in bern. this time with the kids from the swim-team (i coach them twice a week). the full set of pictures can be seen here, but i thought the one below stands out of the crop. it shows seraina having loads of fun: technorati tags: climbing, ropes, ropetech
ars electronica 2005: Blogger List
Jan set up a wiki-list for web-people attending/covering the ars electronica this year. i won’t be there, but surely will watch that list for coverage and images… web-laun.ch/ars2005/index.php/Bloggers_Mobloggers_Wikis_Socialbookmarks [via piecoplastic] technorati tags: [ars electronica](http://www.technorati.com/tag/ars electronica), wiki
picture of the week 33 [1]
this weekend i found some time to panoramify all my shots from european masters championships in stockholm (you might have seen it on flickr). through the help of the excellent ptx-mailing-list i found a tool called make cubic (direct download of the 259kb .sit-file here) which is just a wee bit more than a terminal app to convert your equirectangular .jpgs into cubic QTVR-movies, so you can download the image of fatbursparken (that weird semi-round house) as a 2mb .mov-panorama if you click on the thumbnail below (be patient, it takes some time to load).
high speed flash photography
chris dibona shot some really impressive high-speed-snapshots (literally!) of people popping a ballon. you can see the whole set of images on chris’ flickr-page. most of images are just really brilliant. a really nice project, i wonder if my dsc-t3 can be triggered externally… [via makezine] technorati tags: balloon, make
new pictures are online
i finally found a free minute to sift through my pile of images, and was able to upload a first batch of images from the ecmc in basel. you can see them here. if you’d like to see more messengers messing around, then you can see mathieus images (from lausanne) or some more in the images-section of fahrradkurier.ch. i’m still struggling with a panorama around the sharp turn of the uphill-sprint (the one here). maybe my g4 has not enough ram to handle a panorama consisting of 15 5 mpixel images. i’m trying it soon with resized images and keep you updated.
funky flash game
since jan seems to like silly games, i got one for him here: tontie, some kind of whack-a-mole, but with a twist, which you’ll find out while playing [via iforgotitdontblameme]
how not to win a race
raph[1] posted a funny movie over at velocites blog: how not to win a race (.wmv-plugin necessary). rather bad luck. [1] he returned from basel as the fastest european messenger. and rachel and nicola from bern also are european champions, rachel was the fastest woman on track and nicola is the best bunny-hopper. congratulations from me!
thoughts after a busy week
driving a fixie with a huge backpack (clothes for week and some more stuff) through downtown basel and zürich is not so fun going to the ecmc and not competing is only half the fun you need a valid passport or id to go to sweden (not me, mine is perfectly valid), but you can organize a passport in 30 minutes sleeping on a boat is fun sweden has the biggest indoor swimming pools i’ve ever seen
picture of the week 32
like i’ve said before, i’ve been to the ECMC in basel the weekend before the past one. i managed to shoot quite a bunch of good pics (which i’ll upload later on), but i particularly like that one, of our rookie chrigu taking a spiffy turn. way to go! technorati tags: ecmc, ecmc2005, messenger
The competition pool
The competition pool Wow, 10 50m-lanes. And the warmup-pool has 14 25m-lanes, quite a huge venue…