This used to be

burning highway

burning highway

picture of the week 44

this weekend we had the berner schwimmtage, a two-day swimming event, including the sprintnight, which was absolutely fabulous (see some more pictures here or here). chantal cavin [1] swam a new world record for disabled swimmers, a lot of swimmers swam new meeting records and even more swam new personal records [2]. besides coaching my team i also found time to shoot a quick and dirty panorama of the indoor pool hirschengraben. it’s a shot i stitched from 12 images i took freehand on the gallery of the pool, stitched with hugin and converted to a qtvr using makecubic. so, if you click on the thumbnail below you should get a 1.8mb big .mov-file in which you can zoom and pan around [3]. if you prefer a flat image, then you should step over to flickr and look at the panorama as a .jpg.

swiss blog awards

there’s been cooking something for quite a long time, now everything seems to be going along really fine. jan, nick, matthias and urs [1] fixed a date and set up a website/blog for it, so more infos will come along soon i guess! if you’d like to add it to your calendar, then you can go here, i put it on [via chregu and matthias] [1] they even set up a postcheque-konto, so nothing can go wrong :-) (if you can do that, then you can do everything!)

comment feed

chregu recently mentioned that he wants a feed for every blog (actually for every blog software…) so i’ve modified my already present comment-feed, which i’ve been using to manage my comments (e.g archive nicely, edit, despam…) into a publicly available format, for all of you to consume. the comment feed can be accessed via this file: comments.xml. the full code is as follows [1]: <rss version=“2.0”

ticket zu verschenken

ich hab ein ticket für die 10 years zimtstern-party für morgen samstag abend (5.11.2005) in der maag event hall in zürich gewonnen. leider kann ich nicht gehen (wenn ich nach den schwimmtagen noch zeit habe, geh ich höchstens noch in die reitschule). wer es will, soll mir bis heute abend ein mail schreiben (habi ät gna punkt ch) und kriegt das ticket (am einfachsten wär halt schon, wenn du in bern wohnst…)

ich in der zeitung

hey, ich bin in der zeitung! this born hat in seiner kolumne weblog über das flickr-treffen geschrieben, und - obwohl wir uns am samstag verpasst haben - mich erwähnt [1]. wer den artikel in der bz nicht gesehen hat, kann das hier nachholen. ich sollte meine local-feeds häufiger lesen, dann hatten wir gestern abend noch ein bisschen mehr gesprächsstoff gehabt… english: i’m in the newspaper: this born writes a bi-weekly column in the local newspaper. he mentioned me, i’m flattered…

bollocks! my design is b0rked.

i’ve updated my blog to MT 3.2 [1] and now i lost all my customizations to the sidebar and stuff like that [2]. good that i documented the odds and ends, so i might be able to rebuild it rather fast. in the moment you must bear with the rather terrible view on /blog when you visit in the browser. if you access my blog through the feed, you shouldn’t notice a thing.

images of the flickr-meetup on saturday

yesterday a bunch of flikreebies/flickrites met here in bern. if you want to take a look at the heap of images we’ve taken, then you should take a look at the tag “chflickrmeetupoct05”. i really like the one stephanie shot while we were having a drink in the tramdepot: see it in big splendor here. technorati tags: chflickrmeetupoct05, desiree, flickr, mark

picture of the week 43

i’ve been to zurich this wednesday (ninas birthday…) and was greeted with a wonderful morning when i went home. while walking over the dammsteg i couln’t resist to take some pictures. the link before is one of them. the one below shows a detail of the mill on the left of the panorama. technorati tags: blue, zuerich, sky

i'm on uncluttering mission

i’ve officially killed my two moblogs [1]. from now on, all my (seldom) moblogging is going to happen here: regarding that, i’ve also uncluttered my sidebar a bit. the latest images-section now shows the five latest images i posted to flickr. on top there’s the latest moblog, then the four latest “normal” images. i achieved this with a mashup of the code of two flickr-badges. the first one is pulling just the “moblog” tag, the second one is pulling the last 4 images.