picture of the week 12 (with competition) [update]
we’ve been skiing this weekend. in the morning, just before we hit the slopes i shot this panorama. normally i tell a bit about the backstory of my potw’s, but this time i thought i’d make a little competition: i have two questions concerning the image below. the first person to answers either one of those can choose between a game for the PSP (i’ve got several to chose from), a carte blanche for one post here in this blog or two drinks of his/her choice at the next blogger-meeting. the second and third person who answers correctly has to take what’s left :-)
teh rockediest commercial evah!
point you browsers to this gem of a commercial made for evian. it shows the NSFW (or so) adventures of cartoony waterboy. really cute and with a book soundtrack. [via pieceo-heulsusi] technorati tags: ad, animation, commercial
nominations of SBAW 06 are open [update]
the nominations for the swiss blog awards 06 are now open and are all the rage! so go and nominate your favorite blogs in the swiss blogosphere! oh, and mark the fifth may in your calendars. **update: **you can see my nominations (for the moment) in the screenshot on the left. and if you want to nominate me, just click here. technorati tags: blogospherahelvetica, swissbloawards
bob is bloggin!
look who’s got himself a new blog! after he’s bought himself a new computer bob set up a blog over at myspace.com (like dustbowl and deejot) where he’s now rambling about his life with weebl and about pie. hopefully it’s gonna be as funny as the rest of their life :-) [via weebl and bobs newsletter] technorati tags: bob, comic, weebl
picture of the week 11 [update]
this friday tinu and urs made a medieval diner in the castle of laupen. i’m in the process of uploading the images to flickr. but i liked the one below, also because it’s a good and funny snapshot of nina. it shows the second picture i shot with the shieldcam (the first is here). update: the rest of the images can be found here. technorati tags: nina, ritterdinner
picture of the week 10
yesterday we’ve been to the zoo in zurich, mostly to see the masaola-hall (which was really impressive). during our stroll through the zoo we passed at the enclosure of the otters where i snapped an image of this little fellow passing out in his bed (which is what i’m gonna do now). oh, and i just sent the image over to the guys and gals of the cute overload… technorati tags: cute, otter, zoo, zuerich
4er stöckchen
pia hat mir den stock zugeworfen, heute abend komm ich auch noch dazu, mir was dazu zu überlegen: 4 Jobs in meinem Leben: IT-Supporter bei der Swisscom Regalauffüller beim Coop Physiklehrer Bademeister 46 Filme die ich immer wieder sehen kann: Tokyo Eyes Akira The Fifth Element Big Fish Contact Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels 4 Orte an denen ich gelebt habe: Mailand Münsingen Bern Glasgow 4 TV Serien die ich gerne sehe (aber mir ausser für lost nie zeit dafür nehme…):
calvin speaks the truth
i hope i don’t get me into trouble if i seldom link to strips from calvin and hobbes, but sometimes i just cannot resist. bill watterson sometimes lays the perfect words into his mouth. [via c&h-feed]
creative commons in full effect
through my ego-surfing-feed [1] i found this story in the austinist, a website from austin (i presume :-). to illustrate the breaking news of a downtown fire, the used a picture of the fire at wolfs birthday party. my pictures at flickr are released under an attribution license, so anybody is free to use them as you please, as long as there is proper attribution added. not too bad, maybe i should consider starting a career as photographer :-)
getting ready for the fasnacht im moment mach ich einen zivildienst. so siehts aus, wenn man material für die kinderfasnacht morgen vorbereitet. eine aufnahme mit der panoramafunktion meines handys (mit notizen, die auf flickr erscheinen).