neuer lenker, immer noch ohne freilauf :-)
neuer lenker, immer noch ohne freilauf :-)
regine und irma am rikscha-fahren
regine und irma am rikscha-fahren mit nicht so lustigem grosi im hintergrund :-)
wanna ride a ricksha?
during the contemporary dance festival here in bern the spectators have the possibility to ride a ricksha from the center of the town down to the festival center, sponsored by a swiss insurance and driven by people from the velokurier bern. so, if you want to ride a ricksha in bern, you can do that in the next 10 days, until the 17th of june. if you do it on the 10th or on the 17th, you have the possibility to ride with me. come and do it!
picture of the week 21
we’ve been diving in elba for the past few days. as always, it was really impressive under water and the days with all the people were a blast. the image below shows a small plane-wreck we’ve seen under water. it’s a panorama stitched from 6 pictures. all the other pictures i shot will be online soon, i’ll tell you when they are. technorati tags: diving, panorama, potw
smackbook pro
it would be cool to have a recent mac. it would be even cooler with that little program you can see in the video below. the geekiest way of managing desktops ever… [via fscklog] (oh, and yes, my holidays were brilliant, i’m sifting through the images now…) technorati tags: macbook, osx, suddenmotionsensor
ich hab 'nen neuen job!
seit zwei wochen, weiss ich, dass ich meine drohung wahr machen werde. nach wunderbaren fast 4 jahren beim velokurier bern werd ich ab ersten september wieder an die uni zurückkehren. und zwar als doktorand am institut für anatomie der uni bern in der gruppe um johannes schittny. ich werde mich mit 3d-visualisierungen und lungenentwicklung auseinandersetzen.
that's a hummer i'd get
this is a fine piece of craftsmanship and also a good political statement, the green hummer project. they even have a page with videos you can browse through. [via makezine]
panoramas from the gurten
as mentioned before, i also shot two panoramas from the watch-tower yesterday. because i’m on holiday preparation, i found some time to stitch them with the excellent hugin [1]. both panoramas below were shot hand-held, without a tripod and without aperture-control (i need that with my next camera…). the original images were resized to 1024*768 pixels to prevent harddisk-bloat, and then stitched. with the free program make cubic they were assembled into a QTVR. click on the thumbnails below, wait until the movies are loaded (beware: they’re both quite big!) and then click/drag around with your mouse.
picture of the week 20
‘cause ninas knee is still hurting like a bitch, we didn’t go to the seilpark today, instead watched the latest episode of lost and went to have a coffe on the gurten. i shot the image below between some shots for a panorama from the look-out tower. nina looks a bit held tight, but nonetheless i like the picture. as soon as i finish the panoramas i’ll post them too. technorati tags: nina, potw
das ok der SBAW ruft alle besucher und -innen auf, seinen senf zum 5. mai dieses jahres beizusteuern, damit beim nächsten mal alles besser/anders/schoner/passender (oder so wird). denkt mit, und helft den jungs, dann kriegt ihr auch so ’nen tollen button wie ich :-) [via sbaw-blog] technorati tags: blogospherahelvetica, lang:de, swissbloawards