
I am a hard bloggin’ scientist. Read the Manifesto.the last few days were quite busy at work: i’m doing a block-course in “Biomaterials” at the ETHZ, starting today, so there was quite some catching up to do, and I also wanted to present a poster at the CIMST-Symposium which takes place during the first two days of this blockcourse. next week I have another symposium and a talk in front of the whole institute covering the work I did in the last year. this means that I some quite long days, but the results so far are worth it.

today I presented a poster [1] at the symposium which will serve me well at the symposium next week. since you’ve seen the poster already, you might also see it in full glory: Click the image below to see the poster (368kb .pdf) that I didn’t manage to print on A0 until the third attempt.


(And no, it’s not in full glory, but I don’t think that you want to download a 13Mb pdf…)

You might have seen that it links to a new section on my website: I want to try and post some more scientific stuff in future, including attempts of fraud and other funny stuff like automated paper generation. stay tuned!

[1] the schooled eye might recognize it’s LaTeX-roots: MacTex runs like a charm on Leopard, and sciposter is very powerful!

cimst, imaging, latex, science, skeletoniation, work