quicksilver explained by the developer

some people still can get their mind around quicksilver [1]. funnily enough i’ve been using this magnificent piece of code since pretty much exactly three years. it’s really hard to explain to someone who just scratched the surface of it, it’s a launcher, hotkey-listener, file-mangler, email-preparer, copy-paste-helper, history-catcher, address-book-search-engine and much, much more. A1c0r, the developer of quicksilver recently made a talk about the inner workings of his software at google [2]. so if you still need a push, then watch the video below in it’s full length, it’s very worth it.

[via 43 folders], where merlin mann also links to an episode of macbreak where quicksilver was dicussed…

[1]: yes matthias, i’m looking towards you :-) (put more than one nerd who uses quicksilver around a table, pretty soon someone talks about how ’that’ could be done much easier with quicksilver. this monday we’ve talked about how cool something like this would be on a mobile phone. i would not get an iphone for it, that’s for sure!) [2]: it’s not totally clear, but i suppose he’s a google-employee.

Technorati Tags: google, quicksilver, technospeak