filewile - nassau massage
andi and dänu aka filewile released their second album called nassau massage (press release in english or german).
technically they release it in about a month, on the 25.5., but if you want to listen to it (like i’ve done recently), you can already preorder it on their website, and expect a fast delivery. maybe not so fast as i did, ‘cause i preordered the album on tuesday night, and andi dropped it in my mailbox on wednesday morning, together with the EP damn, to be released in a week :-)
so far, i really like the album a lot, all the songs are well groovy, some of them even have some radio-potential (as far as i can tell)… many songs feature great vocal artists like nicolette, mr. melody, rider shafique and also hometown hottie baze. if you get the cd, i recommend listening to watch the vibe with mr. shafique (am i right, andi?) and communication, with a great old-school beat. and if you first want to listen to some other filewile-songs, you can download a bunch of them absolutely free here. oh, and if you’re hanging out on myspace, you can add them as a friend, too. and if you want to buy some songs, they can be found in the itunes music store.
Technorati Tags: filewile, music, prerelease