BlogCampSwitzerland: European Blog Conference [update]

Bc Logo 300the same group behind barcamp Remo Uhere, Dominik Tarolli, William Lüthi und Peter Hogenkamp un-organise the upcoming blogcamp on the 24th of march at the ETH in zürich. it’s supposed to be a conference focusing exclusively on blogging, organized by bloggers for bloggers and is built upon the principles of the famous BarCamp (ad-hoc unconference) in the Silicon Valley. barcamp was really nice and interesting, i’ve met a load of geeky people and suppose blogcamp is also gonna be as nice and interesting.

i’ve added it to my calendar, and hope to attend [1], it’s gonna be a good way to meet people from the swiss blogosphere, (e.g. Claudia, who’s been commenting here lately [2]), listen to interesting talks [3] and generally just have a good time. if you’re interested to come, get yourself signed up at the wiki and if you want to present, just add yourself to the list of the talkers.

oh, and i’ve added it to

[1] might be on holidays with my darling… [2] she seems to be on maintenance at the moment.. [3] leu, kommt prototyp v2.0?

update: corsin informed me via email that it’s not him and gabor (who organised barcamp) who organise the blogcamp, but the four i added at the beginning. sorry, i didn’t wanna steal any credits :-)

Technorati Tags: blogcamp, blogcamp2007, conference