i'm on uncluttering mission

i’ve officially killed my two moblogs [1]. from now on, all my (seldom) moblogging is going to happen here: https://flickr.com/photos/habi/tags/moblog/. regarding that, i’ve also uncluttered my sidebar a bit. the latest images-section now shows the five latest images i posted to flickr. on top there’s the latest moblog, then the four latest “normal” images.

i achieved this with a mashup of the code of two flickr-badges. the first one is pulling just the “moblog” tag, the second one is pulling the last 4 images.

the full code looks like this, nothing too fancy really:

<!-- Start of Flickr Badge -->
<table cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.flickr.com/badge_code_v2.gne?count=1&amp;display=latest&amp;size=t&amp;layout=v&amp;source=user_tag&amp;user=79112147%40N00&amp;tag=moblog"></p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.flickr.com/badge_code_v2.gne?count=4&amp;display=latest&amp;size=t&amp;layout=v&amp;source=user&amp;user=79112147%40N00"></p>
<!-- End of Flickr Badge -->

the code is really straight-forward.

i just cleaned out the css and merged the two javascript parts. if you want to adopt it for your page, you just have to change the user-number and/or tag [2].

[1]: they’ve been clinically dead anyway…

[2]: a simple google search yielded this: “To get your NSID from Flickr, go to your photos page, view source, find global_nsid, and note the value. That’s it.”