picture of the week 26

i’ve been experimenting with panoramas quite a bit lately [1]. and with huginosx it’s really easy to align ramarkably good panoramas even with handheld pictures, like i’ve done it in the one below.

Velodemo High

this wednesday the ja! [2] made a bike demonstration in bern. they wanted to protest against the newest plans to slash the free bike-parking around the main station here in bern. because of the thunderstorm that just started minutes after the demonstration was about to begin there were not too many people. i tried to document that with that panorama, which makes the waisenhausplatz look quite empty with that little bunch of protesters on it…

[1] maybe you’ve watched my panorama tag over at flickr.

oh, and raph, i’m still waiting for the CMWC-tag (or maybe cmwc2005) to get filled!

[2] we never were 70 people. i counted when we were on the bundesplatz, and we were exactly 34… oh, and can you spot me on that picture?

[3] i really love tagging :-)

technorati tags: panorama, velodemo, waisenhausplatz