technorati tags

oh, and if you’re wondering why my tags are not working (e.g see the tag:emmen, which i pinged some days ago): technorati has some problems accessing my site:

% Total - % Received - % Xferd - Average Speed - Time - Curr. Dload - Upload - Total - Current - Left - Speed

0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - –:–:– - 0:00:07 - –:–:– - 0

curl: (23) Failed writing body

after getting in touch with adriaan he found out that the problem is not ecto-based, but more on the technorati site.

technorati-support wrote something like:

i just love it, when i have no idea what could be b0rked. i guess i misconfigured something with my .htacces-file that helps me with my image-leechers and serves them this image. i hope b. is able to figure out what went wrong…

i’ll keep you updated.