this blog is now gravatar enabled

to make posting comments a little bit more rewarding i implemented gravatars on this blog.

two days ago i commented on an entry over at urs’ blog and some fancy image turned up next to my comment. i’ve seen that already turning up on different blogs (e.g. and

the code with which i implemented it is shown below for your abuse and modification.


<img src="<$MTGravatar default=“" size=“40”$>” alt=“gravatar” align=“left” />

posted by: <$MTCommentAuthorLink spam_protect=“1”$>

on <$MTCommentDate$>

i made it so that every person gets a gravatar, even it there’s none registered (for example, see peters comment here). if your gravatar is missing the pictures gets replaced by blank.jpg. the gravatar is linked with the url or the (spamsafe) email link of the person that left a comment.

so, ladies and gents, if you want your picture to show up in the comments, then step over to gravatar and register yours.

thanks, goodbye.