moblog frenzy!
urs gehrig reports that one of the mobile phone providers here in switzerland starts with an 5 bucks “all you can download"1 GPRS-plan. i’ve been looking forward for something like this for a long time (because everywhere else on the world there are a lot of flatrate GPRS-plans (just look at phil torrones moblog for instance, he uses it massively). let’s hope that this step starts the competition between the three mobile providers here in switzerland: sunrise (my provider) and orange and swisscom, i’d love to fill my moblog with unnecessary crap the whole day long!
oh, and did you notice the “latest moblog” in the sidebar? this is new and untested, but a nice little hint from piece saved me messing around with mt-rssfeed and other plugins for moveable type. i’ll write a little (really little) documentation on this soon.
1 watch out! the “all you can download” plan only includes:
so no email-checking and “free” moblogging anytime, just a lot of downloads from the swisscom-portal (but i guess you could use your swisscom-portal-email for moblogging, so it’s no big deal…