This used to be

grand prix

last weekend i ran the grand prix of bern. i’m not really a big runner, nonetheless i managed to run the ten most beautiful miles on earth in a time of 1h, 9min and 27 seconds. not too bad for that my training consisted of going for a run three times prior to the race :-)

if you want to see how i’ve been doing after those 16.023 km, then you can click here and see my finish (courtesy of i’m the guy in the pale blue shirt on the left finishing just seconds after the guy in the yellow tank-top and black shirt finishes. (and i love the woman shouting: “super schampu” afterwards :-)

here’s another one: nina, my darling finishes 27 minutes later (with 1:36:39) in the white jumper and green t-shirt on the right border of the clip.

the following two clips are from other messengers at work: tom schwarz is the guy all in black with big hair manipulating his watch on the outermost right border finishing with 1:21:31. and florian and phippu manage to cross the finish-line practically simultaneous after 59min 45s. phippu is the one in the white tank-top congratulating floru in the blue shirt in the middle of the movie-clip. congratulations to all of you!
