mike van audenhove

last sunday my parents, my sister and me had a brunch in the marzilibruggli (where nina works). during the brunch the nose of my father started running (not that this is an event that needs to be blogged :-) and then a comicstrip from mike van audenhove came to my mind. zurich by mike is one of my favorite swiss comics, and luckily enough the zuri-tipp - which publishes one strip per week - archives all the strips on its homepage. so i skimmed through ALL of the strips there and finally found the strip that we talked about: the nosedrop.

all the strips depict the life in zurich, but could also happen elsewhere. i must say that mike van audenhove has a real talent to tell those little stories that make you smile. all the strips are in german or swiss-german so the selection below is only funny for those capable of that funny language: some cheeky grannies hacky sacky rules messengers and traffic-lights kids having simple but true fun did you ever buy ikea furniture? kids playing frisbee winter biking sometimes i feel like this in the morning

bear with me if the windows that pop up are in a strange size, i could not get it right, because i had to “hack” the links, the zuritipp does not provide them in an easily bloggable format :-)