This used to be

this is just too cool!

When i get an SMS on my mobile phone while it’s paired over bluetooth to my trusty little ibook i get a window like this:

[![]( 1-tm.jpg)]( 1.jpg)

this is just too frigging nifty!

(for those without german…..

BOAH: this is even cooler!

while i was typing this entry, Gabu Palacios (on the left, getting the score while I play Gabu-Pong) called me, and voila I get this window!

Does any PC offer the same functionality (Call me a proselyted Switcher)

OK, here’s the translation for those of you non-german-readers:

PS: Thank God i know the Keyboard-Shortcuts for a Screenshot by heart (Apple+Shift+3 for the whole screen and Apple+Shift+4 for a selection) :-)

and i almost forgot: The incoming call does also mute my ibook and unmute it when i hang up…
